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Technical requirements for Shanxi temperature isostatic press?

Author:本站 Source:本站 Time:2023/4/27 20:24:21 frequency:

With the development of technology and the development and application of various powder molding processes in various material fields, the mechanical equipment that can meet the forming process of these materials - temperature isostatic press has gradually entered people's field of vision.

At present, the domestic isostatic press manufacturing technology is relatively not very mature, but also by the introduction of foreign technology to the domestic now, so that the domestic isostatic press in the lack of technology and the number of use is still insufficient, restricting the development of the field of materials that require temperature isostatic press.

The reason why the temperature isostatic press is so valued by domestic and foreign markets is mainly due to its different isobaric environment technology. Especially in the field of aerospace and military materials, the production and application of these materials is largely inseparable from the high temperature and isobaric environment, the reason is that the strength and hardness of aerospace and military materials themselves are very large, so a very harsh environment is required to soften and reprocess, and the temperature isostatic press can do this.