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Shanxi cold isostatic press safety design requirements

Author:本站 Source:本站 Time:2023/4/27 20:24:22 frequency:

When designing the cold isostatic press, the safety design of the equipment should be fully paid attention to, and the following 3 requirements should be met:

1. Always run through the concept of safety importance, and the design should meet safety standards.

2. To achieve clear protection and alarm levels, safety and reliability, and separate limit alarm, processing and general control alarm on the control loop, which not only improves the reliability of action, but also avoids mutual interference; In terms of technology, it adopts dual protection measures of mechanical hydraulics and electrical control.

3. Pay attention to the reliability of safety control, all safety-related control devices are selected special electrical safety control devices to ensure reliable safety protection actions, of which the rupture disc device must be manufactured by the unit that has obtained the production license issued by the safety supervision authority.

By adopting these comprehensive technical measures, the cold isostatic press will be ensured in terms of pressure and temperature control, emergency stop operation and reliability, and this design has been applied in two cold isostatic presses to meet the design requirements.